5 Reasons Why You Should NEVER Cancel Your Life Insurance Policy. Sell it!

importance of considering alternatives to cancellation, evidencing why selling your policy can be a significantly more advantageous decision. Deciding to cancel your life insurance policy might seem like a prudent financial move, especially during times of tight budgets. However, before making such a pivotal decision, it’s important to consider the implications. Here are five compelling […]

Navigating Support for Elderly Parents: A Guide to Filial Responsibility Across the U.S.

Support for elderly parents is a critical issue many adults face as their parents age. With evolving needs and sometimes significant medical expenses, understanding your responsibilities and options is paramount. At the heart of this is the concept of filial responsibility, a legal obligation in some U.S. states requiring adult children to support their financially […]

Debunking Life Settlement Myths: What Your Broker Dealer Might Not Tell You

Life settlements, the process of selling your life insurance policy for cash to a third-party investor, are a topic surrounded by myths and misunderstandings, particularly among broker dealers. Whether due to lack of knowledge or misinformation, many policyholders are left uncertain about the virtues of life settlements and potentially miss out on a beneficial financial […]

Why Should I Sell My Life Insurance?

Life insurance can be a valuable financial tool, but it’s not always the right fit for everyone. If you’re considering selling your life insurance policy, there are a few things you should know. Here are some of the reasons why you might want to sell your life insurance policy: It’s important to note that selling […]

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